Home Technology Texecom Connect Recipes: Bracketed Statements

Texecom Connect Recipes: Bracketed Statements

by Benchmark

One benefit of Texecom Connect is its ability to add flexibility to the alarm system through user-configured Recipes. These are created through the system’s App, and use ‘Cause and Effect’ programming to enhance functionality. In this look at Recipes we consider how bracketed statements can enhance the flexibility of Recipes for those seeking smart solutions.

Recipes allow the end user to create ‘cause and effect’ programming to manage actions that are triggered by certain events. The use of AND/OR statements enhances the flexibility on offer. For example, it might be that a customer only wants a notification if a driveway external detector is triggered after 22.00 at night. To achieve this, a simple AND statement is used to stipulate that both conditions must exist for the action to be triggered. Alternatively, the might want a light turned on if a door to an area opens or if motion is detected in the area. To achieve this, an OR statement is used, triggering a response if either event occurs.

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These basic statements are simple to define, but do lack a degree of flexibility. To address this, Texecom Connect Recipes can use bracketed statements.

These allow the use of AND/OR statements grouped together. For example, if the kitchen door is opened and it is between 07.00 and 08.00, or it is between 07.30 and 08.00 and motion has been sensed on the landing, turn on the kettle.

The use of a bracketed AND statement allows both sets of criteria which must occur together to be separated by an OR statement. If the householder enters the kitchen during the morning period, the kettle is automatically switched on. However, if they’re running a bit late, shuffling between the bedroom and bathroom and it is in the smaller second time window, turn the kettle on anyway.

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Equally, a bracketed OR statement allows two criteria to be grouped. These could then be linked with an AND statement to two more bracketed OR criteria.

The result would be that an action is triggered if one trigger from each pair occurs.
Finally, bracketed AND statements can be mixed with standard AND/OR statements, allowing a single flexible Recipe to encompass a wide range of criteria to trigger an action, delivering a solution that meets even the most complex needs of the end user.

Texecom Connect’s Recipes allow simple everyday automations to be enhanced quickly, easily and economically.

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