Home Infrastructure BCDVideo SMARTdeflect

BCDVideo SMARTdeflect

by Benchmark

With many end users expressing concerns over cyber security when implementing networked video surveillance solutions, the onus is increasingly on installers and integrators to illustrate the steps they have taken to harden a solution. SMARTdeflect from BCDVideo can help with this.

Video surveillance systems can be susceptible to cyber-attacks, and with a growing number of high profile cases being reported in the media, pressue is on installers and integrators to prove to their customers that appropriate steps have been taken.

Protecting security systems from malicious on-line activity is pivotal to any system’s success. To help harden the entire solution, BCDVideo has implemented a two-factor authentication option for any system login. SMARTdeflect has been specifically designed to run on BCDVideo’s award-winning range of servers.

SMARTdeflect allows the system administrator to dictate whether single or two-factor authentication is implemented. The process also makes deploying advanced authetnication a straightforward task, keeping the system configuration simple whilst enhancing the credibility of the installation.

SMARTdeflect includes a number of basic security features such limiting login attempts and personal identification numbers, locking down a server before a specific user can login again after exceeding the administrator approved failed login attempt limit.

The interface also allows the system administrator to configure the important security settings quickly and easily. The option include several preventative features including the two-factor login process, which includes a self-generating PIN randomly reassigned every 30 seconds. There are also email notifications based on user login activity, highlighting all successful and unsuccessful login attempts. Authorised personnel can also remotely disable external access to a server under attack.

SMARTdeflect is currently issues as a standard cyber enhancement on every BCDVideo server using Microsoft Windows Server software, wiothout charge. BCDVideo has also announced that Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 7 versions will be released shortly.

Eugene Kozlovitser, BCDVideo’s R&D Manager and co-developer of SMARTdeflect, stated, ‘With seamless integration and scalability, the software becomes a cyber defence mechanism in the hands of the system administrator. Having full system access resolution and the ability to prevent system intrusion via local, mobile or remote connection will change the misconception that the video recorder is the weakest link in a surveillance network. Users can rest assured that the server has another level of security from any malicious attack.’

Customisable settings deliver notifications and allow control via a mobile application without any degradation of the server’s performance.

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