Home Infrastructure Infrastructure: Secure Logiq HA Servers

Infrastructure: Secure Logiq HA Servers

by Benchmark

Secure Logiq’s HA range of servers is a timely introduction, given the rise of importance of intelligent video analytics. The range delivers cost effective ‘Analytics Optimised’ servers, and have been specifically designed to meet the growing requirement for an Enterprise server range with improved processing capabilities, optimised for the new wave of processing-heavy intelligent video analytics.

The HA range takes advantage of the latest i7 Extreme edition processors. This approach to server design enables a higher clock speed to be achieved, which is more suitable for modern video analytics. The more commonly used Xeon processors are more suited to high-end video processing, which can result in lower performance for IVA functions.

The HA series server range is optimised for video analytics as well as the video processing and storage functionalities.

Featuring i7 Extreme processors and 16GB DDR4 RAM, the HA series is designed to handle multiple channels of server-based video analytics as well as HD video processing and storage. With up to 40TB of storage , the HA Series products are mission critical and include dual redundant PSUs, OS and application on two solid state drives in RAID1 and also have Logiqal Healthcheck Lite software installed.

An integrated nVidia 2GB Quadro Graphics card allows this unit to be used as a workstation if required. This can be upgraded if required.

Server based analytics offer advantages over edge-based solutions, and so are preferred in many applications where security is key. With advances in GPU technology bringing deep learning and video analytics to the fore, appropriate server hardware is increasingly key to optimal performance. Getting it wrong can cause the system to crash, slow down or become unstable. With experience in the video surveillance industry, Secure Logiq realises the importance of the right balance between performance and reliability for security systems.

Logiqal Healthcheck Lite is Secure Logiq’s free health monitoring and alerting facility. Designed for mission critical video surveillance installations, it features adjustable parameters to raise alerts via email or SMS in the event that the hardware is experiencing technical, temperature or throughput issues, or if a component is not performing correctly or requires replacement.

Logiqal Healthcheck’s intuitive and easy to use GUI is pre-installed on all Secure Logiq Enterprise hardware and features a ‘traffic light system’ for at-a-glance peace of mind that all hardware is running at 100 per cent functionality. Data mapping and collection allows installers and integrators to identify any problems that arise such as fluctuations in temperature or throughput slowdowns caused by environmental changes on site.

The HA series is the latest evolution in specialist server technology for HD surveillance.

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