When it comes to situational awareness, video surveillance is an impressive tool with a wide range of benefits. Add video analytics and its power substantially increases. However, when considering detection and anlytics, audio is often under-used. Benchmark considers the role of audio detection and analytics …
System Design
The term ‘Intelligent Video Analytics’ has been around for some time, and whilst analytics certainly add value to a large number of systems, there has been some debate as to how ‘intelligent’ the technology really is. Some (often those selling the analytics engines) will argue …
Modern security solutions offer a high degree of flexibility with regard to additional benefits. For installers and integrators, this allows the creation of systems which add value for the user. Because of this, it is possible to identify tangible returns on investment for those investing …
There was a time – a few decades ago admittedly – when site lighting was an important part of overall security system design. The importance of lighting diminished as PIR-operated security lights aimed at DIY users flooded the market. This, coupled with misapprehensions about light pollution, …
As the interest in smart home solutions grows, an increasing number of householders are looking at various options for systems and service delivery. Much of their attention is focused on the consumer market, often with a focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected …