Home AI From Panasonic to i-PRO: Redefining Security with AI-Powered Innovation

From Panasonic to i-PRO: Redefining Security with AI-Powered Innovation

by Geny Caloisi
Jose Riolobos, President of i-PRO EMEA, shared the remarkable journey of i-PRO’s transformation in a conversation with Benchmark Magazine – just as the company celebrates its third anniversary since is inception (October 1st, 2021).

From its origins as Panasonic Security to becoming a leader in AI-driven surveillance, i-PRO is pushing the boundaries of security technology. Riolobos highlighted the company’s innovations, its ethical stance on AI, and the customer-centric approach that sets it apart in an increasingly competitive market.

*Watch the video interview clicking the image above, or scroll to the end of the article.

A Heritage Reinvented

i-PROs story begins with a strong legacy. Officially, i-PRO launched in 2021, but the companys roots date back more than 60 years to its days as Panasonic Security. “We are a Japanese company, so quality and engineering are in our DNA,” said Riolobos. With over two decades of experience at Panasonic, Riolobos has witnessed the evolution firsthand. “But what makes us unique today is our agility. We’re young and dynamic, able to move faster and more flexibly than ever before.”

This autonomy has been a game-changer. As part of Panasonic, i-PRO developed around nine or ten products annually. “Now, weve almost doubled that. Its not just about speed, though; its about how we approach product development—with flexibility and creativity,” Riolobos noted. The shift from a large, established corporation to a more nimble, innovative company has allowed i-PRO to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market.

AI at the Core of the Transformation

The security industry is in the midst of a profound transformation, with AI playing a central role. Riolobos compared it to the shift from analogue to digital. But this is even bigger,” he remarked. Integrating AI—specifically AI on the edge—has revolutionised surveillance. Rather than sending data to a central server, cameras now process information on the device itself. This reduces bandwidth needs, lowers storage costs, and allows real-time decision-making.

Cameras have evolved from being just image sensors to powerful data generators,” Riolobos explained. This shift has moved the focus away from improving image quality to maximising the intelligence built into each camera. i-PROs X-series cameras, for example, not only capture footage but also analyse it, making real-time decisions and even enhancing older, legacy systems with AI capabilities. Its about adding value and making systems smarter, not just newer.”

The benefits are clear: reduced costs, increased energy efficiency, and faster response times. AI at the edge also opens the door to a broader range of applications, making these cameras more versatile than ever before. “We’re not just competing on image quality anymore; it’s about how many intelligent applications can run on a single device,” Riolobos emphasised.

Openness and Collaboration: A Partnership Approach

i-PROs philosophy goes beyond just creating great hardware. Riolobos was quick to highlight the companys “open platform” approach. Unlike many competitors who stick to proprietary systems, i-PRO believes in collaboration. We know we cant do everything alone. Thats why we partner with video management system (VMS) developers, integrators, and other specialists to create tailored solutions.”

This partnership-driven approach has helped i-PRO maintain a strong focus on cybersecurity. With FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certification, one of the highest security standards in the industry, i-PRO is committed to offering both reliability and protection. Cybersecurity is fundamental for us, especially as AI and edge computing bring new challenges,” Riolobos noted.

But theres another layer to i-PROs approach: ethics. Riolobos stressed that i-PRO is not in the business of “surveillance” in the traditional sense. Instead, the companys goal is to protect people—ethically. Their anonymised AI ensures that only metadata is captured, keeping privacy at the forefront. We are here to protect, not to invade privacy. Our AI respects human rights,” he explained, a principle that’s becoming increasingly important as public concerns around surveillance grow.

Customer-Driven Innovation

One of the key takeaways from the interview was i-PROs relentless focus on its customers. Our solutions are built around listening to our clients,” Riolobos said. The company has structured its teams to gather feedback from the field—sales engineers work directly with customers, feeding insights back to i-PROs R&D centre in Japan. This ensures that new products and updates are in line with real-world needs.

An example of this customer-centric innovation is i-PROs use of Docker containers, which allows third-party developers to create custom applications for i-PRO cameras. This not only makes the cameras more versatile but also shortens the development time for specific AI applications. Docker makes it possible for us to offer truly customisable solutions to our clients without compromising security or performance,” Riolobos explained.

Looking Ahead: Ethical AI and Future Growth

As i-PRO continues to expand across EMEA, the company remains focused on the future. Riolobos revealed that i-PRO is deeply committed to ethical AI—beyond just meeting regulations like GDPR. We believe that ethical AI should be embedded in our company culture. Its not just about following the law; its about doing whats right,” he said.

By December 2024, i-PRO will undergo an audit to ensure compliance with international standards for ethical AI and cybersecurity. This move is part of i-PROs larger vision to lead the industry in innovation and responsible technology development.

In the immediate future, Riolobos promised continued advancements in AI capabilities and further integration with third-party applications. With its blend of cutting-edge technology, customer focus, and ethical responsibility, i-PRO is poised to remain a leader in the security industry.

i-PRO has found a way to stay ahead – by embracing AI, maintaining high ethical standards, and putting customers at the heart of its strategy. Under Jose Riolobosleadership, i-PRO is not just another player in the security space; its a company that’s shaping the future of surveillance technology while ensuring it remains responsible and humane.

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