Home Editorial How are technology and society influencing the security industry

How are technology and society influencing the security industry

by Geny Caloisi
Technological advancements in the 21st century have enhanced our daily lives and how we work, travel, commute, and interact with one another.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is redefining urban landscapes and playing a more important role in home and business security. Technology advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), biometrics and the opportunities for access control, and even mobile devices technology, regularly disrupt how we use current and legacy cameras, NVRs and CCTV.

Simultaneously, the same social and technological elements make the effects of these advances challenging to predict accurately.

We know that some of these technologies are making our lives easier and streamlining how we work and what we can offer our clients. But we also know there are technologies that, after being launched, don’t take off (3D CCTV anyone?) or resonate as much as expected (curved monitors) with the customer base.

What will the future of security be like? Unfortunately, we cannot predict for sure, but certainly, connectivity and integration will continue to drive the market.

Thanks to initiatives such as the Benchmark Innovation Awards (BIA) 2023, we can stay current on what is important for the security industry today and how this can enhance the interaction between people and their workplaces, in urban spaces, between retailers and their clients and even in our own homes.

We are approaching the time of year when we will ask you to nominate companies and solutions that resolve today’s security challenges. The BIA acknowledges security technologies, solutions, services, and product breakthroughs.

You, our reader, have the privilege and responsibility to nominate companies and solutions that make a difference in this sector from the eight carefully chosen categories of the BIA campaign.

Nominations will open on March 16th and close on April 28th.

Today’s security solutions market is driven primarily by technological advancements and innovations, one of the most critical factors contributing to its success. It will be your vote that will decide who is in the lead in each category.

The Innovator of the Year Award is a category that will look at companies that have made an overall contribution in terms of products, services, training and support for its partners and clients.

The Benchmark Innovation Awards categories are:

  1. Video Management Software innovation
  2. Surveillance innovation (CCTV)
  3. Visitor Management innovation
  4. Alarm/detection innovation
  5. Analytics and software innovation
  6. Cloud/SaaS innovation
  7. Network & connectivity innovation
  8. Innovator of the Year Award (company)

You can expect to see the confirmed list of finalists in early May, and the winners will be announced in October 2023.

The Benchmark Innovation Awards are an opportunity to celebrate breakthrough security solutions and to thank market leaders for their contribution.

Check out last years winner.

Winners of the Benchmark Innovation Awards 2022 are announced!

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