Home Technology IDIS: Smart UX Controls

IDIS: Smart UX Controls

by Benchmark

Throughout 2017 IDIS will mark its 20th anniversary and see the largest surveillance manufacturer in South Korea celebrate two decades of innovation with its customers and partners at events and exhibitions across the world. This finalist nomination in the Benchmark Innovation Awards clearly signals why IDIS has been at the vanguard of surveillance innovation for the past twenty years and demonstrates why IDIS technology ‘is not the same, it’s IDIS’.

For the past twenty years, the focus at IDIS has been constant improvement upon common industry offerings, finding new and innovative ways to provide customers with a total solution that is differentiated from competitors by improved efficiency, functionality and low total cost of ownership. IDIS Smart UX Controls is just one such example.

Challenges of traditional PTZ controls

IDIS listened to end user customers and integration partners regarding the pain-points traditionally associated with PTZ cameras, which included unintuitive screen controls making them difficult and slow to control. In addition, customers voiced concerns that PTZs working over an IP network were storage and bandwidth hungry, causing latency that resulted in jerky images and potential security gaps. For example, if a PTZ was doing a virtual tour or was fixed on specific area or object and an incident occurred, the event could easily be missed.

Unparalleled accuracy and ease of use

To combat these challenges, IDIS has developed the game-changing Smart UX Controls software to provide unparalleled accuracy and ease of use featuring intuitive ‘Slingshot’ and ‘Rubberband’ style controls, creating an experience unlike any other available on the market. These smooth and seamless controls allow users to easily follow moving objects in real-time with ground-breaking accuracy by panning images at different speeds and in different directions. literally without lifting a finger.

With simple click-and-drag actions, operators can quickly focus on and track specific objects with absolutely no need for multiple clicks to change direction. ‘Slingshot’ allows users to aim and click any part of an image to quickly view a specific object, person or area, while ‘Rubberband’ enables the drawing of a rubber band anywhere for easy and silky-smooth PTZ control. With rapid response speeds without any latency, this is incredibly effective if a suspect suddenly runs or changes direction, ensuring a hassle-free experience for operators and the ability to rapidly respond to an incident or threat.

Super-fast and agile controls

IDIS has also gone one step further to lessen the pain-points associated with traditional PTZ controls and introduced ‘Quick Controls’ functions to allow for simple and fast operation utilising a CTRL button and mouse combination (left/right/wheel click). IDIS ‘Quick Controls’ consist of Quick Save, Quick Find, Quick Dewarping, Quick Zoom and Quick PTZ. These controls allow operators to dewarp any point of interest and even pan-tilt-zoom in a dewarping state.

The Quick PTZ features up to 16x digital zoom, no matter the type of camera, while Quick Find enables users to drag a saved image to a desired camera channel and view recorded video from the time of saving, quickly and with little effort. Quick Dewarping allows operators to use the CTRL button with a combination of left, right and wheel mouse clicks to enable ePTZ, image reset and zoom in and out functionality to significantly speed up and simplify operation.

These features combined with the ‘Rubberband’ and ‘Slingshot’ controls of IDIS Smart UX Controls enables pinpoint accuracy, even at great distances, delivering a critical advantage in any given security environment.

IDIS Europe Limited
1000 Great West Road
Tel: 0203 657 5678

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