Home Uncategorized Improving Incident Response with Synergy

Improving Incident Response with Synergy

by Geny Caloisi

Effective collaboration is essential for efficient incident management. Synergy security and surveillance software helps teams coordinate through real-time communication, situational awareness, and secure data sharing.

Communication and Coordination in Real Time

Synergy integrates with GPS-enabled devices, allowing control room teams to monitor personnel availability and assign the most suitable responders based on location, skills, and resources. Additionally, its SIP/VOIP support enables direct communication via radios, mobiles, and tablets, ensuring rapid information exchange. All interactions are logged, creating an audit trail for accountability.

Remote Access and Secure Evidence Sharing

Authorised users can securely view live or recorded footage, receive alerts, and generate reports from any connected device. External stakeholders, such as emergency services, can be granted limited access to assist in coordinated responses. The cloud evidence locker further enhances collaboration by allowing controlled, auditable sharing of video footage and incident data with third parties like law enforcement or insurers.

By integrating these capabilities, Synergy supports security operations, ensuring a swift and effective response to incidents.

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