Home Technology Sequrinet: delivering enhanced protection

Sequrinet: delivering enhanced protection

by Benchmark

Since early Spring, installers have had the option of adding Sequrinet to Concept Pro Professional recording systems, the first offering of its kind in the industry. Stringent, robust and potent, Sequrinet ensures that CCTV systems serve their full purpose of protection, detection and deterrence.

Part of our ethos at Videcon is to identify the needs and wishes of CCTV installers and ensure products are designed to meet these needs. One of the hottest topics in the security market over the past year has been cyber security, particularly a lack of cyber security. Hacking, intrusion and cyber fraud are at an all-time high: on average more than 4,000 cyber attacks are carried out every day, costing businesses and individuals worldwide billions of pounds on a weekly basis.

A contributing factor to the massive number of cyber attacks has been complacency. Cyber security is often an issue that finds itself at the periphery of priority when an end user or installer purchases a video recorder, with cost and storage capability often taking precedent. However, cutting costs can prove to be costly in the long run.

This complacency has seen unauthorised access to recording devices skyrocket, with certain manufacturers even leaving loopholes to allow for backdoor access. It is for this reason that Videcon sees the potential a secure range of recorders can offer. In banks, governmental buildings, offices and other locations where the preservation of sensitive information and security are paramount, an ardent CCTV system is key. A system where unauthorised users can access footage and feeds defeats the object of having CCTV.

With Sequrinet on Concept Pro’s professional range of recorders, precautionary measures have been taken to ensure that the systems are fortified appropriately.

One of the simplest ways to secure a recording system is often ignored by end users and installers. This is the use of a strong, comprehensive password. The most commonly used password on recording systems is admin1234. Sequrinet’s Enhanced Password Control (EPC) functionality is specifically designed to add much needed security and thought to password control. This feature prohibits the use of 1234 and other easily infiltrated passwords and will only allow for the use of passwords upon selection. The EPC will also remove any backdoor user capability and will disable P2P and DDNS options by default.

Videcon understands that certain installations will not require such a high level of security; therefore, EPC is purely optional. Compatibility to organisations requiring a stringent level of password protection is essential and it is this adaptability that undoubtedly makes the Concept Pro recording devices the most versatile recorders available.

Server security is another facet of cyber security that requires great attention and our server was selected with constant monitoring and vigorous security parameters in mind. Videcon recognised the essential need for servers to be based in the EU for ease of contact, and operated by legitimate companies with high-level SLAs.

Many recording servers are based in the Far East with poor monitoring of threats to security and backdoor access allowed. Our server is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and it is based in the European Union.

With our server, end users and installers will find no nasty surprises and a server that has been selected for its stringency. This attention to detail further enhances the security of our range of professional recorders and ensurs that, with Sequrinet, our CCTV systems lead the way in cyber security.

The most remarkable quality of Sequrinet is its ability to retain simplicity and ease of use; as soon as a camera is connected to a recorder and Sequrinet is set up, an end user can download the Concept Pro App from the App Store or Google Play, allowing them to instantly access their system. The user will have the ability to view footage live or view playback footage, search the event log, change recording settings, manage connection information, receive real-time push alerts and even enable PTZ camera control, all from a mobile device!

Enhanced security with attention to detail, easy interoperability and the potential for use in a varying array of situations ensure that our professional recording range is the most comprehensive, and the most secure, in the CCTV industry today.

Call the Videcon team today on 01924 528000 to find out more!

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