Renowned expedition leader Oskar Strøm, celebrated for his work documenting polar bears in their natural Arctic habitat, embarked on a daring mission in Svalbard. Strøm and his film crew lived in compact sleeping pods under extreme conditions to capture rare footage of these majestic creatures. …
Ajax Systems received the Industry Choice Security or Fire Manufacturer at the Security & Fire Excellence Awards 2024, held at JW Marriott Grosvenor House, London. This recognition, determined through an open vote by industry professionals, highlights Ajax’s innovative solutions and unwavering commitment to safety. The …
With the digital world buzzing about the potential of the Metaverse to reshape how we connect, Ajax Systems is creating its own immersive experience with the Ajax Special Event: Multiverse. On November 21, 2024, the company will host its annual flagship event, bringing together security …
Advanced Security Measures Protect Tractors and Heavy Equipment Distributor’s Expansive Facility
by Geny CaloisiKubota Canada Ltd., a subsidiary of Kubota Corporation headquartered in Osaka, Japan, specialises in distributing a wide range of tractors, heavy equipment, and related machinery across Canada. Recently, the company faced a significant challenge in securing its expansive new corporate headquarters and distribution facility, spanning …
Ajax’s latest project is integrating a comprehensive security system across all Burger King branches in Norway. Founded in 1954 in Miami, Florida, Burger King has grown into one of the world’s largest fast-food chains with thousands of locations in over 100 countries. Known for its …