Surveillance systems typically include advanced alarm handling options, but the full potential of these is not always realised. Whilst this functionality can be employed in a simple switch-like configuration, taking a fresh look at the possibilities can create enhanced performance. It has often been said …
In video surveillance, the race for higher resolutions is well and truly on! As an ever increasing amount of video is archived on digital devices, or transmitted over network infrastructure, so the need to consider data file sizes becomes more important. Here Benchmark considers the …
ANPR is a beneficial technology which is too often overlooked for commercial and industrial sites. Often considered the exclusive preserve of law enforcement, the technology actually adds value to many sites with vehicular access control. When considering ANPR, most people think about law enforcement agencies …
BS8418 has been in existence for a good few years now, and the latest version of the standard offers benefits to many. Despite its success in many applications, coupled with its ability to achieve a first response from the Police, it could be argued that …
Video analytics has been around for many years, and much like VMD which preceded it, there are systems which perform very well, and there are those that are built to a price. Whilst it cannot be disputed that good quality analytics adds benefits to security …