Home Technology Texecom Connect Recipes: External Detection

Texecom Connect Recipes: External Detection

by Benchmark

One benefit of Texecom Connect is its ability to add flexibility to the alarm system through user-configured Recipes. These are created through the system’s App, and use ‘Cause and Effect’ programming to enhance functionality. In this look at Recipes we consider external detection.

Recipes allow the end user to create ‘cause and effect’ programming to manage actions that are triggered by certain events. One example of how this can enhance security is with regard to external detection.

Because of concerns about nuisance activations, few systems will include external detection in the graded alarm system. However, in domestic applications, research has shown that householders see external detection as a positive part of a security system!

Texecom’s Premier External TD-W, a Ricochet-enabled wireless external detector, can be used with Texecom Connect to offer enhanced external detection.

For this example, we will look at the options for a site with three external detectors: one on a driveway, a second at a side door and a third at the rear of the property.

If someone walks up the driveway, the householder doesn’t want to know; it could be the postman or a visitor or a delivery driver. However, if they deviate away from the front door and go to the side door or the rear of the house, they want to know. This is easily done using a Recipe.

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The first task is to identify the driveway detector being activated. This then has a time window applied to it: these time periods are set as pulse timers in the Premier Elite control panel, and serve to set the time the first activation stays live.

The next task is to create a relationship with the other detectors. This done via an ‘And’ condition, and both detectors are linked with the driveway unit using a bracketed ‘Or’ condition. This means that the driveway detector must be live when either the side door or rear patio detectors are triggered.

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The final stage of the Recipe creation is to set the ‘effects’ that are triggered when the alarm occurs. This can be to switch an electrical device such as lighting or a warning device, to send a push notification or email, trigger an attached camera or any other relevant action the system can provide.

Texecom Connect’s Recipes allow simple everyday security to be enhanced quickly, easily and economically.

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