The ability to signal masking attempts of detectors when an alarm system is unset, whether deliberate of accidental, is a fundamental requirement for any Grade 3 intruder detection system. The criteria, set out in BS EN 50131-1, ensures that all Grade 3 sensors designed for …
OPTEX was a pioneer of laser-based detectors, launching its first REDSCAN unit over a decade ago. Since then, the company has refined and improved the technology, and now offers the latest security-optimised LiDAR technology detection devices with a number of features to ensure correct installation …
Installers and integrators working with intruder alarm systems will be aware of the Grading system set out in BS EN 50131-1. The Grading approach allows alarm systems to be categorised based upon the level of threat they are likely to face. It is important to …
Widely reported news of a hack of up to 150,000 security cameras installed in schools, hospitals and businesses has again raised the issue of cybersecurity. Verkada cameras are reportedly used by Tesla, Cloudflare, Virgin Hyperloop and the manufacturer’s own offices, as well as a host …
Face detection has increasingly become a cornerstone of advanced video analytics. Face detection is very different from, and should not be confused with, facial recognition. Face detection algorithms look for the typical features and characteristics of a human face, allowing a high degree of certainty …