On-going developments in the wider technological world have enabled smart solutions to increasingly leverage advances from a number of other industries and sectors. Even technological progress in the consumer market can be quickly realised in modern commercial systems. One such advance is the use of …
The modern security market enjoys an embarrassment of riches when it comes to the creation of smart solutions, allowing a wide range of added value benefits to be realised using the available technology. Despite this, implementing systems that solely deliver security-based performance still represents a …
As video quality increases, it is no longer enough to simply offer ever higher resolutions. Image detail is just one aspect of good quality video, and a growing number of applications have shown that colour accuracy is also an important consideration. As such, it is …
In an age of smart technology, many manufacturers are focused on the delivery of ‘intelligent’ features and functions. Whilst this is often a benefit for end users in high risk sites such as prisons, transportation hubs and the petrochemical sector, the realityis it is possible …
One of the more interesting developments for video solutions in recent years has come about as a result of advances in processing. As processors have become faster and capable of dealing with increased loads, so manufacturers have looked at different ways to leverage the new …