Home BIA2022 CSL Router Pro and Broadband all in one solution

CSL Router Pro and Broadband all in one solution

by Geny Caloisi
The ever-increasing demand for reliable networks with remote access has resulted in connection availability becoming one of the most crucial issues for security solutions. Security installers must consider this in the network architecture decision. Backup resources are often used to protect against failures. However, due to the high cost of duplicate network resources (and capital expenditures CAPEX), some companies might think they need to trade off between service reliability and the cost of protection.

CSL’s Router Pro and Broadband offering can be the ideal combo for any installation requiring an always-on, secure, and reliable connection. This service includes a secure 4G backup for any critical IoT application.

CSL Router Pro and Broadband combo is a finalist in the Benchmark Innovation awards Network and Connectivity category. The solution comes with an integrated 4G backup SIM via CSL Router Pro to ensure access to and from the system is always available.

CSL offers Fully Managed Services, taking care of coordinating everything. Broadband, Router, and 4G SIM are installed seamlessly and on the same day. This also ensures one point of contact for support on all aspects of the solution.

With a private network connection, CSL ensures enhanced levels of security to manage and protect your data associated with critical installations.

To cite for CSL Router Pro and Broadband, click here.

Voting ends at the end of August, and the winners will be announced at an Awards Dinner in September.


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