Home Editorial Klimator’s new IoT camera functionality for road weather stations

Klimator’s new IoT camera functionality for road weather stations

by Geny Caloisi
IoT solutions provider Klimator is launching a new IoT CAM designed to collect road weather data by combining machine learning, rule-based algorithms, and other available data.

In 2018, Klimator launched the first version of the IoT-based road weather station focusing on winter road maintenance with road surface temperature, air temperature and air humidity measurements. 

The road weather stations contribute with valuable measurements as input to calculating future road laws and as visual support for decision-makers of state or municipal roads. Klimator RWIS IoT has grown strongly in the Nordic markets since its inception and is today a leader in the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian markets.

“We are very proud to launch Klimator IoT CAM for all our markets – it is one of many needs that our existing customers have requested as an addition to the current solution. We are continuously adding new relevant capabilities and are very proud of the great interest”, says Søren Pedersen, Director of Partnerships & Operations.

The product has been developed at Klimator’s development department in Odense, Denmark.

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