Home Editorial Reducing Crime by good design

Reducing Crime by good design

by Geny Caloisi

Mico-Tindall’s Navis-Shield, launched in November 2022, has received a stamp of approval as the police preferred specification with the ‘Secure by Design’ accreditation.

The Navis-Shield is an optimal solution for securing shipping containers, gates, and other high-security applications: securing valuable assets and locations such as plant rooms, electricity substations, remote sites, and chlorine storage rooms.

Navis-Shield offers a wide range of cylinders from leading manufacturers, including mechatronic ‘Near Field Communication’ (NFC) cylinders.

The concealed cylinder, half-inch locking pin and full stainless steel construction make the Navis-Shield the obvious choice for securing assets in challenging environments, as it is highly resistant to sustained physical and meteorological breaches.

Working closely with Designing Out Crime Officers (DOCOs),  ensures that we are ahead of the challenges retailers and commercial property managers face.

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