Home New Releases BT Redcare provides tangible support for installers on IP migration

BT Redcare provides tangible support for installers on IP migration

by Geny Caloisi
Tele-communications, as we know it, is changing now- and there is no way back. To future proof the UK, the whole of the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) will be migrated to IP by 2025. Landlines and many security alarm systems that rely on the analogue PSTN will become obsolete over the next three years.

The technology that powers the PSTN hasn’t changed since the first public automatic telephone exchange opened in 1912, and today it cannot cope with our XXI century digital demands.

BT Redcare is encouraging installers to act now to ensure customers’ alarms keep working, avoiding disruption and helping homes and businesses stay safe.

From the switch over,  alarms will not be able to send signals to alert anyone. Migrating to an all-IP network and using 4G mobile networks, provides an opportunity to achieve better, more reliable, and feature-rich services.

All communications need to be considered, as they’ll have to be fully operating on the IP network by 2025. Anyone using a fire, security, or any other alarm system that isn’t already using IP or 4G for its alarm signalling will need to be upgraded before the telephone lines switch to an all-IP service. Many other systems may also rely on the PSTN, such as lift alarms, building management systems and power alarms so need to be considered. Communication providers have already migrated over 2 million lines to the new digital service.

Support for installers

To help installers upgrade their customers, BT Redcare has recently launched a special offer cutting up to 51%* off the RRP on its Next Generation portfolio. Not only that, they are also providing a free all-IP marketing toolkit to help installers educate their customers which includes helpful flyers, brochures and videos The company is also offering free training for installers.

BT Redcare’s special offer : 

• Essential IP, Essential, Essential Extra, Advanced, Advanced Extra

• No equipment or connection cost 

• Minimum order of 10 units (per product)

In addition, the following also still apply:

• No postage costs

• Billing on activation or 90 days whichever is sooner

• 10-year product warranty

• 24/7 technical help desk

Check out their marketing toolkit here: https://www.redcare.bt.com/move-to-all-ip/marketing-toolkit.html

To register for free product training click here: https://forms.office.com/r/pj6dh7ZWTc

Nick Whiting, Head of BT Redcare, comments, “The move to all-IP is a considerable driver in the industry. This technology is decades old and keeping customers safe means future-proofing their alarm signalling. Alarm installers face a significant challenge getting customers ready and transitioning away from systems that rely on the PSTN to dial out to ARCs. If customers migrate their phone services, any legacy dial-up solutions will stop working, placing premises at great risk. We have introduced our all-IP special offer and marketing toolkit to help installers upgrade their customers because we want to provide them with the best support that we can.’

The migration can even save money for customers, as IP signalling doesn’t have call charges. Switching early also allows installers to keep customers and secure new business.

BT Redcare’s Next Generation portfolio provides various options to address different needs, from fast and affordable to best in the business.

Next Generation Portfolio

BT Redcare has two options for low-risk premises, Essential IP and Essential.

Essential IP, launched in January 2021, makes upgrading old dial-up PSTN systems more accessible. It connects to the customers’ broadband over Ethernet or wi-fi for a speedy install. It exceeds SP2 performance levels (equivalent to the old Grade 2), so it reports path faults to the ARC within 60 minutes, much faster than traditional digital communicators.

Offering enhanced monitoring and end-to-end encryption,, Essential IP is ideal for lower risk homes and businesses where there is no or poor mobile coverage.

Essential provides the best mobile connection. 

Customers can get the optimal connection with Essential’s roaming SIM. It switches between mobile networks to send signals over a reliable 4G or 2G network.

The compact device is packed with powerful features to keep customers safe. Plus, it outstrips SP2 performance standards (equivalent to the old Grade 2), reporting path faults within 60 minutes. It’s fast to fit because it’s wireless. And it starts connecting on power-up. At the same time, as with all of Redcare’s products, its OLED display and push-button controls make programming and installation easier.

BT Redcare has Essential Extra and Advanced  dual signalling systems for low to medium risk premises.

– With Essential Extra, there is no need for a fixed connection for more resilient alarm signalling. It uses super-fast 4G to send encrypted, enhanced signals in seconds and report path faults within 30 minutes. A fully-monitored second SIM kicks in if anything goes wrong.

Fitting this dual-path wireless system is painless so that you can get up and running quicker. Essential Extra exceeds DP2 performance (better than the old Grade 3).

One 4G SIM instantly connects to EE for faster reporting. The other switches between networks to ensure the customer gets the most bars.

Advanced is a more flexible solution to adapt to the home or business’ risks. It can be easily upgraded to DP3 performance (equivalent to the old Grade 4) for even faster signalling. It comes with two diverse signalling paths for twice the reassurance.

The primary path sends alarm signals over the customer’s network or broadband with DP2 performance (better than the old Grade 3), reporting path faults to the ARC within 30 minutes.

If the IP path fails,  one of two  4G SIMs kicks in to help keep your site secure. One instantly connects to the EE network, while the other can roam to ensure customers always get the best mobile signal.

For medium to high risk, there is Advanced Extra and Ultimate. True dual path signalling.

Advanced Extra can send enhanced, encrypted signals in seconds over two different technologies for extra protection. A 4G connection kicks in and reports at the same speed if the IP goes down.

The DP3 level performance (equivalent to the old Grade 4) sends signals in seconds and reports path faults within three minutes. Despite having an IP path and two 4G SIMs for added resilience, plus an OLED display and programming buttons, it’s still only 67mm x 95mm x 17mm in size.

– Ultimate caters for the highest level of security. (Not included in special offer)

Its main path uses private broadband to send enhanced, encrypted signals to ensure it has all the speed needed. Ultimate can report path faults in 90 seconds and offers DP4 level performance (better than the old Grade 4). And it has two 4G SIMs as a wireless backup, giving customers resilience they can rely on.


A built-in hub sends signals over a private broadband service. The customer doesn’t share it with anyone else, so it never slows down. Its compact design means it fits inside the alarm panel, making it harder for anyone to tamper with or accidentally unplug cables. Which also means it keeps working even if the power goes down.  And with its access line, it’s great for sites where using a customer’s IT network isn’t an option.

*Percentage cut varies by product. Percentage cut quoted is based on the Advanced product, which has a standard year 1 RRP that includes equipment and rental costs. RRP is only a recommendation. For the avoidance of doubt, the ARC remains free at all times to price to its customers at its own discretion. Contact your ARC or Regional Account Manager for more information.

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