Home News Face-to-Face Online Training Launched

Face-to-Face Online Training Launched

by Benchmark

With the latest Lockdown restrictions, Paxton has adapted its training programme to provide more options in a virtual environment. This gives integrators and installers an opportunity to understand and implement the latest updates to Net2,and the combined access control and video management system, Paxton10.

The third national lockdown has created challenges for businesses across the country, with many having to adapt to meet strict guidelines and the new temporary laws put in place. Prior to this, Paxton had resumed in-person training at its Head Office in Brighton. Safety provisions had been put in place, such as glass screens and thermal scanning upon entry. These sessions were well-subscribed with plans to continue rolling them out into 2021.

Paxton’s Global Training Manager, Steve Woodbridge, stated, ‘Our practical training sessions provide a supportive environment for installers to get hands-on with the product.  We made arrangements to ensure that resuming in-person sessions could take place safely. Now they cannot, so we have made sure there is still the same level of opportunity for installers to continue learning and be guided by Paxton experts.’

Paxton is running live virtual sessions throughout the lockdown period, as well as bespoke virtual training for companies that require online group learning, or a tailored course to help with specific projects they are working on.

Chris Green, a Security Consultant at TVG Security,  took part in one of the virtual classes. He stated, ‘I have worked in training myself in the past and attended many training sessions, both remotely and face to face. This was honestly the best I have ever attended. Paxton’s ability to keep an audience engaged for over two hours is unparalleled. I am inspired to attend more sessions.’

The courses are designed to show installers how to install and configure Paxton hardware, and offer a different experience to Paxton’s webinars that ran throughout 2020. Installers are encouraged to interact with the trainers and other participants. Paxton trainers use a combination of presentation and demonstration, as well as providing the opportunity to get hands-on with Paxton systems using guided software instruction.

Alongside the face-to-face virtual training programme, Paxton is providing installers with 30 days of free access to the Paxton Learning Portal which includes on-demand tutorials.

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