Home Technology Nowhere to hide; nowhere to fly

Nowhere to hide; nowhere to fly

by Benchmark

Countless stories have been appearing in the news over the years regarding drone activity. Industry analysts are predicting that the drone industry will be worth an estimated $100 billion within the next 24 months and it is estimated that a million new consumer drones are entering the airspace every month, making drone security a major consideration for all organisations.

While traditional physical security solutions offer detection in a horizontal plane, Dedrone offers security of the lower level airspace. Dedrone is an Axis technology partner that protects organisations from potentially malicious drones by securing the lower level airspace using sensors and software technology to detect, track and identify drones. A major component of the solution is a best-of-breed architecture. Integrating Axis network cameras into the Dedrone solution offers a truly three-dimensional physical security solution.

Complete Airspace Security Solution

Modern security requires a layered approach that keeps up with the evolution of drone technology. Sensors connect to the DroneTracker software, which detects, classifies and protects against drone threats, including localising the drone and its pilot. Passive and active counter-measures can be triggered, tailoring the defence mechanism to the severity of the threat.

Software Enabled Security

Drone technology advances rapidly and only a software-centric solution can keep up. Dedrone’s DroneTracker software, hosted in the cloud or on-premise, uses a DroneDNA database to recognise and classify RF, WiFi and non-WiFi drones. DroneTracker also integrates with third-party sensors to trigger alerts and countermeasures.


DroneDNA is a machine learning system and classification engine that recognises drones of all kinds. Trained on millions of images and data points, it can distinguish between different drone models and detect the difference between drones and other moving objects such as birds, planes or other objects. DroneDNA signatures are continually updated via the cloud, enabling the Dedrone system to be always up-to-date to protect against the latest threats.

Reporting and Forensic Evidence

Dedrone sensors and integrated external Axis cameras record forensic evidence of drone intrusions. A combination of forensic data is automatically captured by the DroneTracker software, including drone manufacturer, model, time and length of drone activity, along with video verification. Summary reports are automatically produced and available on-demand for easy analysis of the most critical airspace security data.

Advanced Video Analytics

Dedrone’s advanced machine-learning algorithms are built-in to DroneTracker software, enabling the system to reliably detect the difference between drones and other moving objects in the airspace. Based on an image recognition and classification library, the underlying analytics are trained on millions of data points and are continually updated via the cloud. DroneTracker accepts video from Axis network cameras, turning them into full-time airspace monitoring sensors.

Nowhere to Hide, Nowhere to Fly

Dedrone RF Sensors detect drones and remote controls by their radio frequency (RF) signatures. Commercial, hobbyist and homebrew drones are detected, including the entire DJI product line.

Video Camera

Axis network cameras add situational awareness and forensic evidence to airspace security systems. An ideal addition to the Dedrone RF Sensor, they also enable DroneTracker software to plot and record the drone’s flight path on a map.

The system is ideal for tracking drones across a wide scene (with PTZ cameras), recording forensic evidence of drone intrusion and using image classification and recognition of drones for positive ID of threat.

Read more at the Dedrone website

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