Home Technology Qognify Umbrella

Qognify Umbrella

by Benchmark

Qognify has launched Umbrella, a web-based management platform which leverages cost savings by managing distributed video surveillance systems centrally in the cloud. As video surveillance projects become larger and more complex, required resources and operational costs also increase. Updating configurations and monitoring the health status of servers and cameras across every location is a challenge.

As a consequence, businesses and organisations frequently over-spend on technical expertise and unnecessary licenses, as well as exposing themselves to regulatory risk.

Umbrella is a management solution, which is fully integrated with Cayuga VMS. The web-based service can be hosted in the cloud (including Microsoft Azure and AWS) as well as on premise. Once installed, Umbrella provides a consolidated view of all servers and cameras across every connected installation, highlighting those which need attention.

Furthermore, if any changes are required to be made to how the video system operates (necessitated by changes in regulations such as GDPR), they can be configured and rolled-out remotely.

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