Home Editorial Virtual walls for perimeter security

Virtual walls for perimeter security

by Geny Caloisi
Brick-and-mortar walls take time and money to build, and once they are in place, they are inert and unintelligent. A much better security solution is to build a virtual wall.

Optex has a series of precision laser detectors called Redscan, that can generate a high-resolution virtual laser wall to safeguard assets on a vertical or horizontal place to protect a roof or a ceiling. The detector can identify a moving object’s size, speed and distance and is ideally suited to a range of commercial and residential applications.

The company has two flavours for different needs, the Pro and Mini models. Pro protects larger perimeters, while the compact Mini is more suited to smaller residential and medium-sized commercial sites. With a detection area of 20x20m, the accuracy and versatility of the Grade 3 Redscan Mini proves ideal for building and asset protection, creating a high-resolution virtual shield that will detect an item as small as a child’s hand.

If the case is that you already have a wall in place, you can make it smart by adding Optex’s Fiber Sensys range. These are fibre-based perimeter solutions for mounting on walls and fences or buried underground. There are 11 solutions in the range, each tailored to a specific need.

Finally, to bridge the different comp[onents of a security set-up, Optex has a cloud-based intelligent visual monitoring portal to create a visually verified monitored solution via the Secured Cloud, enabling users to verify alarms within seconds, wherever they may be.

OPTEX will showcase its security solutions at the International Security Expo at London Olympia.


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