Home Business Ajax Systems showcases it latests devices

Ajax Systems showcases it latests devices

by Geny Caloisi

Ajax Systems featured the latest devices and software features in its fifth Ajax Special Event. The company expanded horizontally by adding entirely new product verticals to its portfolio eight years ago after conquering the global intrusion market. CCTV products from Ajax Systems offer new approaches to privacy.

Additionally, the company has introduced significant enhancements to its intrusion and fire ranges, advancing high-security solutions and updating fire products to meet demanding market demands and strict industry standards.

Ajax Systems has integrated collaborations with other industry giants and demonstrated how innovative wired communication can modernise old security systems. Ajax offerings meet Grade 3 standards, so they are poised to redefine industry benchmarks.

In addition, Ajax’s new slogan, ‘Rule Your Space’, embodies the company’s commitment to empowering individuals with complete control over their spaces, providing security, convenience, and freedom without boundaries and its new communication platform.

Intuitive and private Ajax cameras

TurretCam, BulletCam, and DomeCam Mini, are designed with Ajax characteristic shapes, easily adapt to changing light with True WDR technology. Each camera model has one of four possible configurations: a lens with a viewing angle of 85 or 110 degrees and 3K or 4K resolution. This smart tech, involving hardware and software, fixes uneven lighting in complex scenes, frame by frame, in real-time.

The cameras are equipped with a digital microphone that uses a custom noise-cancellation system. All the cameras meet the IP65 protection class, capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions.

Cameras seamlessly use the Ajax Cloud to transmit system events. The proprietary JetSparrow technology ensures fast peer-to-peer transmission of video data. With AI analysis capabilities, these cameras can detect and recognise various object types, such as humans, vehicles, and pets. As a result, the surveillance system is able to record only relevant events, conserving storage space.

Optimise video archives even more by setting up the pixel movement detection feature. Define specific zones to ensure recordings are triggered only when movement occurs in the selected area. It is possible to enable surveillance only when the system is armed to make surveillance precisely selective.

Space: Ecosystem without boundaries

Traditionally, an Ajax hub represented an entire premise, and every Ajax system began with a hub. However, the company aimed to enable the inclusion of just a camera within Ajax system. As a result, Ajax Systems has developed a virtual entity called ‘Space.’ Users can easily create a ‘Space’ within the Ajax app, add required devices, and manage them seamlessly. Space can function as a security system, CCTV, or both. It retains the Ajax hub’s familiar interface, including the control tab, rooms, and quick access to automation devices.

Yale integration: Instant connection with a smart lock

Ajax Systems has announced an integration with Yale, a leader in smart home security with over one million smart locks already manufactured and a legacy spanning 180 years. Users can directly manage and automate a Yale smart lock from the Ajax app. This functionality will be made possible due to an instant Cloud-to-Cloud connection through the Yale Home API, ensuring smooth and secure communication with every Ajax system.

Ajax Systems will pilot Yale integration in Norway, Sweden, Italy and Spain, with plans to expand to the US, Canada, and more countries soon.

Insights on Ajax software from MacPaw CEO

Oleksandr Kosovan, renowned software developer, CEO of MacPaw, and head of a venture capital firm, highlights his journey from becoming an early investor in Ajax Systems in 2015.

He emphasises aligning his values with the brand and his personal experience using the Ajax system at work and home. Oleksandr commends Ajax’s human-centric approach to technology, praising its user-friendly design and rapid responsiveness and acknowledging the hard work of the Ajax team.

Ajax SIM

The company has released a new service with a roaming SIM card pre-installed in the hub. This card is programmed to operate with that specific hub, ensuring an instant connection without any further setup or configuration by the installer.

Ajax SIM has full network connectivity and is compatible with 2G/3G/LTE. There’s no need to test multiple operators during installation; the SIM automatically selects the strongest and least congested signal available. It’s an IoT card, so there’s no need to activate it with a phone. Just install the hub and activate the SIM card in the PRO apps.

The company decided to ship Ajax SIM in every Ajax hub that goes to the US and Canada distributors. In the near future, the service will be launched in the UK, Nordic countries, and Australia.


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