Home SectorsCritical Infrastructure Completing a CPNI-Accredited Alarm System

Completing a CPNI-Accredited Alarm System

by Benchmark

Intruder alarm systems designed and installed for use in Governmental buildings and national infrastructure sites must have achieved CPNI (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure) accreditation. Where such products are not specified, it could lead to the loss of potential contracts.

CPNI identifies security products which are appropriate for use when designing and implementing solutions to protect national infrastructure, and these are listed in its Catalogue of Security Equipment (CSE). Included security products have been evaluated against stringent security standards and achieved a certain performance rating.

Texecom’s Premier Elite 640 and Premier Elite 168 expandable commercial-grade control panels have received CPNI accreditation, and as such as suitable for such applications. To support the use of the control panels, a range of accredited peripherals from Texecom includes keypads, expanders and power supplies.

The Premier Elite FMK range of flush-mounted keypads have received CPNI accreditation, and can be used with the proviso the integral proximity reader is disabled during the configuration process. The Grade 3 flush mount units can be installed with a range of finishes, and support two additional zones, with one programmable output.

The Premier Elite LCDLP (large blue screen LCD keypad) and the Premier Elite LCDP/LCDLP (standard and large screen LCD keypad) are also accredited by CPNI. Again, the Grade 3 keypads need to have the integral proximity reader disabled during programming to meet the CPNI standards. As with the flush-mounted models, these keypads include two additional zones and a single output.

In terms of expanders, the Premier Elite 8XP is accredited when installed in a suitable enclose, such as the PSU200XCXP. The Grade 3 expander delivers 8 additional outputs, an auxiliary input and speaker driver. Alternatively, the Premier Elite RM8 relay board can be used to add 8 relay outputs.

Finally, there are two Grade 3 CPNI accredited power supplies: the Premier Elite PSU200XP and the Premier Elite PSU200. Both include a 2.5A switched mode efficient power supply. The XP versions allows full diagnostics and monitoring when used with a Premier Elite control panel.


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