Home Benchmark Innovation Awards Inner Range growing strong after three decades

Inner Range growing strong after three decades

by Geny Caloisi
Inner Range, a designer and manufacturer of integrated security and access control products, has been voted as the Benchmark Innovation Awards winner of the Innovators Company of the Year category.

With over 30 years of experience, Inner Range provides excellent scalability and integration with 3rd party products. In addition, all its systems provide standard integrated Grade 3 intruder alarm requirements.  Flexibility and scalability are key features of Inner Range and make the company a remarkable innovator.

Tim Northwood, Director  at Inner Range, says, “We make it easy to manage multiple disciplines from a single user interface.”

“We have a wide market appeal,” says Northwood and adds, “As we were founded “down under, “we are dominant in Australia and very strong in New Zealand. In my region is very strong in the Baltics, Eastern, and Central Europe. Growing fast in UK and Eire.”


Inner Range has also successfully expanded into Canada, the USA, the Middle East, and Asia. As a result, Inner Range has become a global force in the Integrated Access and Security systems market.

The company’s route to market is through distribution channels and direct to systems integrators, depending on the geographical location of the marketplace. Inner Range clients (end users) include Government, Military, Banking, commercial, healthcare, education, industrial, transport/ logistics, data centres, and retail.

Inner Range has three platforms: Integriti Integrated, Integriti High Security, and Inception. According to the company Integriti is the most Integrated Platform.

Integriti is its enterprise access and security platform, server-based and integrating with many 3rd party products, including CCTV, Visitor Management, Elevator Control, BMS, wireless locks, mobile credentials and biometrics, LPR, and many more. Integriti acts as a security management system for building, security, and business management. With interactive floorplans and maps, administrators can monitor, control, and manage local, national, or global operations.

“This system can scale from a single door to tens of thousands of doors and inputs with up to a million users across multiple sites,” points out Northwood.

In addition to being IP-connected, Integriti provides administrators with forensic audit trails, Muster reports, and event alerts to effectively manage access control, on-site or remotely. With the Integriti mobile application, administrators can securely manage the system via a smartphone or tablet.

Integriti High Security  (also known as Class V outside of  EMEA) is a heavily end-to-end encrypted version of the product, specifically designed to meet high-security requirements from the Government, Military, and Finance sectors.

Inception is Inner Range’s web-based, no software needed, security and access solution for single sites. It scales from 1 to 128 doors and has 3000 inputs, and is designed to make installation very easy. It also has excellent integration with CCTV.

Evolving with the times

To maintain a competitive edge, constant development is essential. Northwood explains that all Inner Range software development is done in-house. However, the company also works with 3rd party developers.

“We work in several ways when collaborating on an integration project depending on the complexity,” says Northwood, “Both Inception and Integriti have an XML REST API, which in most cases is free to 3rd party developer partners, allowing them to integrate into our products easily.”

 Inner Range collaborates on biometrics

Inner Range has effectively integrated Idemia’s readers and solutions for acquiring Biometric data into its system.

Northwood explains, “Integriti supports connecting directly to individual biometric readers. When syncing directly to biometric readers, Users will only be synchronised to relevant readers, as determined by which readers a User has permission to access. This ensures the reader’s internal user database only contains the necessary users for the reader to function, preventing the internal databases on biometric readers from filling up and increasing the speed of biometric lookups on the devices. Biometric credentials can be generated and managed directly from a user’s ‘Acquire Card’ dialogue regardless of the connection mode, allowing for a simple and consistent UI for all biometric integrations. Once biometrics for a user is updated and the corresponding User is saved, the updated credentials will be synchronised to the configured biometric system or biometric readers as required.”

Overcoming roadblocks 

Troubles and tribulations are part of every path. Having worked for the company for 15 years, Northwood shares what areas of concern currently affect Inner Range.

“In Europe, the invasion of Ukraine has impacted sales and will continue to do so for some time as both are important markets for Inner Range. However, our growth in other areas will offset this issue. The global problems with transportation continue to be an issue with extended shipping times and costs. This means we have to carry a higher stock level to ensure our customers are well served, and growth is supported. Being part of the Wesco-Anixter business is a great advantage as we have access to a global network of warehousing facilities to locate stock.”

“Sometimes lack of skills and product knowledge is an issue within new or expanding markets, but Inner Range has a world-class training and certification process to ensure all our new and existing partners are trained and up to date with our products and solutions.”

Inner Range has prided itself on talking the language of integrators for 34 years.


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